Thursday, 25 August 2016

Breast Check

Hey all

Hope ye are all well.. I'm writing a very personal blog post but 1 I feel needs to be written about. So as ye can probably tell by the title I'm talking about checking your breasts regularly for any lumps or changes that might be occurring. I found a lump in my right breast around 7 weeks ago and went to my doctor who referred me to the breast clinic in the CUH in Cork. I wasn't too concerned as I had been there in 2012 for the same thing and had a cyst removed from my right breast i am left with a small scar and thought the new lump I was feeling was maybe scar tissue or something so I went to Cork and had an ultrasound done and they said it was scar tissue but the lady doing it moved the thing around and found another lump and said they needed to do a biopsy and I would get the results whitin 7-10 days so they took 3 biopsy's and sent me on my way. It wasn't sore they numb the area 1st but I haven't felt any pain so apart from the bruising you wouldn't even know i had anything done.. now I went in feeling OK as I said but I left feeling scared and worried and waiting for the results felt like the longest week of my life but thankfully I got the all clear it was a benign cyst thank God. I thought the worst all week as anyone would but I'm so happy it was good news and I'm so grateful for my life and everyone in it. Ye are stuck with me for another while. The reason I'm sharing this is so ye can go check ye're breast's now. Males and females can get breast cancer but the earlier it's detected the better. Hopefully this post helps at least 1 person out.

To the world you may be 1 person
But to 1 person u are the world

Thanks as always for reading
All my love
Lorz xxx

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