Tuesday 30 May 2017


Hey guys and gals

Hope ye are having a good week. This week beauty/lifestyle blogger Rosie Connelly has come under attack from a body shamer telling her she was disgusting and too thin and she shouldn't be promoting size 4 jeans I forget what else was said to her now but how does this person feel they have the right to tell Rosie what to do or has the right to even comment on her body.. she is naturally thin and she is healthy and happy isn't that all that matters? I'm a size 12- 14 at the moment and nobody has ever commented on my weight except for myself I was a size 8 all my life until I was about 22 then I started putting on weight and I hated my body for ages but iv learned to love all my curves stretch marks scars and imperfections.. they make me who I am today.. scars from operations and stretch marks from 2 kids 8 lbs 4 1/2 ounces and 9 lbs 9 ounces my beautiful body has been through hell and back and it's still working it's mine and it never gives up on me which is pretty amazing. Size 4 or size 24 who cares embrace it.. if your unhappy with your body then do something about it but only do it for you and nobody else especially not someone who's sitting behind a computer putting you down.. that says more about that person's life and unhappiness than it does about you. That's just my two cents on body shaming you do you and screw anyone else.. we are all beautiful.. have a great week everyone.


And now 

Happy in both! 

That's all for now
Thanks for reading
All my love
Lorz  xx

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